

Shape the future of higher education in North Central Washington.


BOB全站 Valley 大学 is developing its next strategic plan. 2018-23年战略 plan was largely developed from internal input and data from 我们的山谷我们的未来.

For WVC’s new strategic plan, we want community voices to be a significant part of 它的发展. With a service district of 10,000 square miles (Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties), BOB全站 Valley 大学 is visiting communities to gain insights 而不是期待他们来找我们.


BOB全站谷学院希望得到你的反馈! 本次调查的回答将被使用 制定WVC的战略计划. 我们想听听你对我们正在做的事情的看法 well, where we could improve, and any ideas you have on how we could improve.

这项调查是匿名的. 感谢您抽出时间回复.

  • Joseph Andreason, WVC IT现场技术
  • 达斯汀·克拉克,WVC教授,历史系
  • Dulce Morgado, 大学 Assistance Migrant Program Retention Specialist
  • Joe Eubanks, WVC Executive Director of Climate, Culture, Diversity and Belonging
  • 朱莉·费奇,WVC学院,过渡研究
  • 伊迪丝·戈麦斯,WVCBOB全站 & 多样性协调员
  • 阿达马里·埃尔南德斯,WVC人力资源顾问助理
  • 克里斯汀·霍西,WVC教师,护理
  • 瑞安·兰姆,WVC助理财务总监
  • 尤里兹·洛萨诺,联合健康中心主任 & 专业技术方案
  • Gene Sharratt, Center for Educational 有效性, Senior Research Advisor
  • 萨曼莎·特纳,科尔维尔部落学院联络官
  • 罗伯托·维拉,WVC学生领导 & 参与协调
  • 艾琳·威廉姆斯,WVC设施项目经理 & 操作


  • 招募专责小组成员
  • Listening sessions: employees, community organizations, students
  • 启动调查:秋季学生 & 战略计划
  • 启动仪表板:学生人口统计
  • Listening session: employees, community organizations, students
  • 听力分析 & 调查
  • 合成新兴主题
  • Listening sessions: open house family-style (children welcome) w/vignettes
  • 高校战略规划峰会,反馈循环
  • Determine mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, indicators, baseline, targets, 和里程碑
  • 发行策略计划





下载 WVC策略计划(PDF). 的可访问版本 WVC战略计划2018-23 (Word). 跳转到档案.

目标23.1:  BOB全站 Valley 大学 will foster an environment where students reach 他们的教育目标和指导自己的未来.
  • 客观的23.1.1: Increase five-year student program 完成 and transfer rates.
  • 客观的23.1.2: 扩大学生社区学习的机会.
  • 客观的23.1.3: Provide technology as a foundation 为学生 to succeed in and adapt to a changing 世界.
  • 客观的23.1.4: Support current and expand future baccalaureate opportunities at BOB全站 Valley 大学.
  • 客观的23.1.5: Integrate “soft skills” 为学生 into college-wide student learning outcomes 在整个课程中.
  • 客观的23.1.6: Support the development of faculty to become leaders in their fields.
  • 客观的23.1.7: Create faculty and 工作人员 teaching communities to 支持 collaboration and improve 学生的结果.
目标23.2:  BOB全站 Valley 大学 will 支持 students through a holistic approach which effectively admits registers, advises, mentors and retains students.
  • 客观的23.2.1: 增加学生对学生的辅导项目.
  • 客观的23.2.2: 改善学生定位.
  • 客观的23.2.3: Develop and require student college success gateway courses for all students.
  • 客观的23.2.4: Support the full implementation of a one-stop student service experience.
  • 客观的23.2.5: Increase the quality of faculty advising and educational planning.
  • 客观的23.2.6: Continued advancement and use of multiple means of assessments for placing students 在英语和数学课程.
目标23.3:  BOB全站 Valley 大学 will be a responsive cultural and educational 通过积极主动的外展和社区伙伴关系.
  • 客观的23.3.1: Increase online offerings and access options to accommodate time and place restrictions 为学生.
  • 客观的23.3.2: BOB全站 Valley 大学 will seek to maintain a level of technology to meet community 需要.
  • 客观的23.3.3: Provide greater internship and job shadowing opportunities 为学生 在社区里.
  • 客观的23.3.4: Provide responsive curriculum and programs for the community.
  • 客观的23.3.5: Increase college outreach through traditional and non-traditional sources to reach 社区服务不足的部分.
  • 客观的23.3.6: Provide clear evidence throughout the district of the college’s presence and role 在社区里.
  • 客观的23.3.7: Develop a coherent plan to accurately assess community 需要.
目标23.4:  To achieve equity, BOB全站 Valley 大学 will become a more inclusive, diverse and culturally rich institution that establishes a thoughtful and respectful 学习环境.
  • 客观的23.4.1: 双国际招生.
  • 客观的23.4.2: 制定一个全校范围的多元化战略计划.
  • 客观的23.4.3: Strive to increase the diversity of our faculty to more closely reflect our diverse 学生与社会.
  • 客观的23.4.4: Develop an inclusive working environment to 支持 and retain diverse faculty and 工作人员.
  • 客观的23.4.5: Use universal design principles to make BOB全站 Valley 大学 fully accessible.
  • 客观的23.4.6: Increase diversity course offerings and implement a diversity requirement for program 完成.
  • 客观的23.4.7: Improve college relationships among faculty and 工作人员 to 支持 open, respectful 以及关于多样性的包容性讨论.
目标23.5:  To 支持 student learning, BOB全站 Valley 大学 will be efficient, transparent and accountable through deliberate, collaborative and sustainable alignment 的资源.
  • 客观的23.5.1: Fund a grant coordinator position to broaden funding sources and increase institutional 能力.
  • 客观的23.5.2: Enhance partnership with BOB全站 Valley 大学 基金会 to grow community financial 支持.
  • 客观的23.5.3: Develop transparent, stakeholder-built budgets that are informed by data.
  • 客观的23.5.4: Create efficiencies through application of technology and automation.
  • 客观的23.5.5: Enhance enterprise technology to meet BOB全站 Valley 大学’s 需要 first.
  • 客观的23.5.6: Build, equip and maintain sustainable facilities that are focused on student learning 和成功.
目标23.6: BOB全站 Valley 大学 will promote a climate of ongoing improvement based on its mission, core themes and college wide student learning outcomes.
  • 客观的23.6.1: Use technology to widely distribute data on student success at all levels to college 利益相关者.
  • 客观的23.6.2: Full participation of those in instruction and non-instruction at BOB全站 Valley 大学 in collecting, analyzing, reporting and formulating improvements centered 全校学生的学习成果.
  • 客观的23.6.3: Effectively communicate BOB全站 Valley 大学 improvement efforts to internal 以及外部利益相关者.

